David Pierce
- Ofisim (my office)
- 142, Bomonti kampüsü (Bomonti campus)
- Telefon
- (0212) 246 00 11 / 5121
- Faks (fax)
- (0212) 261 11 21
- E-posta (email)
- david.pierce@msgsu.edu.tr, davut.deler@gmail.com
- Program (schedule)
Bağlantılar (links)
Bu sitede (on this site)
- Matematik (mathematics):
- Sanat (Art)
- Dil (Language)
- Felsefe (Philosophy)
- Şiir (Poetry)
- Edebiyat (Literature)
- Yolculuklar (Travels)
Crawford Saga: For the information of progeny and progeny's progeny
- HTML entities:
- more links
Bölümümün siteside (on my department's site)
- Antalya Cebir Günleri (Antalya Algebra Days)
- Istanbul Model Theory Seminar
- Genel seminer (General seminar)
- Bölüm seminer (Departmental seminar)
Üniversitemin sitesinde (on my university's site)
Başka yerde (elsewhere)
- MathSciNet & Strasbourg mirror
- Fundamenta Mathematicae archive
- Modnet preprint server
- The De Morgan Forum (including The De Morgan Gazette, formerly The De Morgan Journal)
- Mathematics and Mathematical Astronomy (texts in Greek, Sanskrit, Arabic, and Latin, at a domain named for Wilbour Hall, the former home of the now-closed History of Mathematics Department at Brown University. This is a source for Euclid's Elements; others are as follows:)
- Euclid's Elements:
- Greek text
- Στοιχεῖα Εὐκλείδου (Euclid Home Page, Greek only)
- MS D'Orville 301, the “Bodleian
Euclid” (copied in Constantinople/Istanbul, 888 CE):
- Clay Mathematics Institute Historical Archive (with digitized Greek and English)
- Digital Bodleian
- Heath's translation:
- Joyce's web edition
- Greek text
- Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
- Arts & Letters Daily
- Henry David Thoreau, Walden (an annotated edition, from the Thoreau Reader, part of the EServer web publishing project, at Iowa State University, in Ames, Iowa)
- pdf2jpg.net
- my page on Academia.edu (little used)
- blog (‘Polytropy’)
- my Wikipedia user page