Elementary Number Theory, fall 2007
Math 365, fall, 2007 (section 1, the unique section)
Note added, September 27, 2010: During the semester, I kept notes of my lectures:
Then I encorporated these, along with all other documents from the course ("Foundations of number-theory", homework, exams and solutions), into a single document:
This document is being edited for use in the 2010/11 version of the course.
- Tuesdays, 10:40–12:30, in M-13;
- Thursdays, 13:40–14:30, in M-104.
The official text for the course is the lectures, perhaps supplemented by some typeset notes, as on the "Foundations of number-theory" (updated, November 9, 2007):
So it is the student's responsibility to take good notes in class.
The course will generally follow the textbook Elementary Number Theory by David M. Burton. I obtained a copy of the sixth edition (in a McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2007) from Bıçaklar Kitabevi. There are copies of various editions in the library, including one on reserve.
- The unproved propositions in "Foundations of number-theory"
- exercise set II
- exercise set III
- exercise set IV
- exercise set V
- exercise set VI
- exercise set VII
- exercise set VIII
- exercise set IX
- exercise set X
- exercise set XI
Unfortunately the only method of formal evalation will be by examinations: two in term (30% each), and a final (40%). (In fact there will be three exams in term, but only the best two will count towards the course score.)
- October 23 (Tuesday, at 17.30) (Results)
- November 27 (Tuesday, at 17.30) (Results)
- December 27 (Thursday, at 17.30) (Results)
- Final exam: January 11 (Friday, at 16.30): solutions: