What? Linear reflection groups; affine reflection groups. Coxeter groups; Coxeter complexes. Spherical buildings; groups with a BN-pair. Classical groups.
When? Monday 12.40-13.30 (M-214)
Wednesday 10.40-12.30 (M-231)
Main Books.
Other Books.
In the Class.
Week 1: (2 hours) Introduction to finite
reflection groups. Root systems,
simple systems, simple reflections.
Week 2: The deletion condition. An equivalent condition for being
a Coxeter group. Coxeter graphs. Classification of finite reflection
Week 3: A quick review of affine reflection groups.
The geometrization of Coxeter groups.
Week 4: Generalized reflections. Exchange and Deletion
Conditions. Bruhat ordering in Coxeter groups.
Week 5: Parabolic subgroups in Coxeter groups. Chamber complexes
and foldings.
Week 6: No lectures, because of the holiday.
Week 7: Coxeter complexes.
Week 8: No lectures, because of a conference.
Week 9: Characterization of Coxeter complexes by walls.
(Presentation by Erkan M.
Week 10: Characterization of Coxeter complexes by walls
(Presentation by Yal��n Karata�)
Week 11: (2 hours) Buildings (definitions, examples,
Week 12: Labels, apartment systems, spherical buildings.
Week 13: A group of label-preserving simplicial isomorphisms
acting stongly transistively on a (thick) building is a BN-pair.
Week 14: Parabolic subgroups, generalized BN-pairs.
(Presentation by G�khan Benli)
Week 15: Parabolics and Levi components in the spherical case.
(Presentation by G�khan Benli)
Week 15+1: Buildings from BN-pairs (Presentation by Hakan
This line last updated on 13 January 2007.