Bahar 2018
MAT 398 : Lineer Cebir (İngilizce)
Duyurular. (Announcements)
- Öğrencilerden gelen istek üzerine sınav 10 Nisan'a ertelendi.
- Ara sınavı 3 Nisan Salı günü ders saatinde yapmaya karar verdik.
- Ders 20 Şubat 2018 Salı günü başlıyor. (The
class begins on February 20, 2018, Tuesday.)
Ders saatleri. (Schedule) Salı 13.00-14.50, D2
(Tuesdays, 1.00-2.50 pm, D2)
Kitaplar. (Books) 1. "Linear Algebra", S.H. Friedberg, A.J. Insel, L.E. Spence,
Prentice Hall, 4th edition, 2002. [Ana kitap/Main text]
2. "Linear Algebra I", Cemal Koç, Matematik Vakfı, 1998.
3. "Topics in Linear Algebra", Cemal Koç, Matematik Vakfı, 2002.
Puanlama. (Grading) Değerlendirme bir ara sınav (50 puan), derse katılım (10 puan) ve final sınavı (50 puan) üzerinden
(Evaluation will be based on one midterm exam (50 points),
class participation (10 points) and final exam (50 points).)
Sınavlar. (Exams)
Ara sınav: 10 Nisan 2018 Salı 13.00 (Midterm
exam: April 10, 2018 at 1.00 pm)
Final: Tarihi ilan edilecek
(Final exam: Date TBA)
Sınıfta Yapılacaklar. (In the class, tentative)
1st week: Vector spaces, some simple properties, examples.
2nd week: Subspaces, examples, non-examples. Sums and direct sums of spaces.
3rd week: Spanning. Linear dependence/independence.
4th week: Bases and dimension.
5th week: Dimension (cont'd). Quotient spaces.
6th week: Linear Transformations, Kernels, Images.
7th week: Coordinate vectors. The vector space (algebra) of
linear transformations. Representing transformations as matrices. Correspondences, isomorphisms.
8th week: Midterm exam.
9th week: Isomorphisms. Change of coordinate matrices.
10th week: Determinants via Leibniz formula.
11th week: Holiday (First of May)
12th week: Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, characteristic and minimal polynomials. Cayley-Hamilton Theorem.
14th week: Diagonalization.
Kitaptan Alıştırmalar. (Exercises)
Section 1.2: 1, 17, 20.
Section 1.3: 1, 11, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31.
Section 1.4: 1, 5a, 11, 15.
Section 1.5: 8, 9, 13b, 14, 16.
Section 1.6: 1, 3b, 11, 14, 15, 22, 26, 32, 33, 34.
Section 2.1: 1 (c,f,g,h), 4, 9e, 10, 12, 18, 22, 35.
Section 2.2: 1, 2b,f, 3, 4, 10, 16.
Section 2.3: 3, 12, 16, 18.
Section 2.4: 1(e,f), 2(c,f), 3, 5, 16, 24.
Section 2.5: 2b, 3c, 4, 9, 10.
Section 5.1: 3b, 4a, 8, 9, 14, 15, 19, 22a.
Section 5.2: 2c,e, 8, 10, 12
Section 7.3: 2b, 3a, 8.
And other problems that were given in the class.
Last update: May 23, 2018
Hazırlayan (Prepared by): Ayşe Berkman