Antalya Algebra Days homepage

On speaking at Antalya Algebra Days

Added February 2012: Since the meeting is no longer at Antalya Hotel, or even in Antalya, some of the following page is of course obsolete; but the general suggestions are not.

The meeting room of Antalya Hotel as it appeared in 2010 and 2011, since renovation, is shown in a photo from the hotel website:

Photo of meeting room at Antalya Hotel

The photos below are from before 2010.

Photo of Piotr Pragacz speaking at AAD VII

The meeting room of Antalya Hotel is in the basement. It is not ideal, but it seems to be at least adequate for our purposes. There is a stage or dais in front of two whiteboards; there are two overhead projectors; and there is a projector for connecting to your laptop computer.

Photo of talk using two screens (Henning Stichtenoth, AAD IX)

If you prepare slides, please use landscape orientation (with the longer side horizontal). In LaTeX, this means letting your file be something like


Your audience will not be able to see much of what is projected below the bottom of the whiteboards, even if the screens do happen to descend lower.

Photo of audience at AAD IX

If you write out your slides by hand, leave generous margins.

Handwritten slides, landscape format (Aner Shalev, AAD IX)

For a short (15-minute) talk, there are some exemplary slides (even though they are in portrait orientation) by Adrien Deloro from the 2007 meeting.

Photo of coffee break outdoors, AAD IX

Weather permitting, as it usually does, coffee breaks are outdoors.

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